Our mission to provide custom programming doesn’t mean you have to take this journey solo. Through our small group classes, known as SHOCKFIT, we provide personal attention and expert training, but we do so collaboratively in a supportive group environment.

We deliberately keep class sizes small so that we can work with each individual to provide modifications or make corrections. By working with a group, participants receive the attention they need, but also feel empowered to keep pushing their limits in a safe and enjoyable way.

We won’t just write down a workout and leave you hanging; our trainers are there every step of the way to make sure you’re doing it safely, effectively, and that you’re improving every day. And you’ll never be bored; SHOCKFIT workouts vary in intensity and style – alternating between strength training, interval training and recovery workouts.

Whether you sign up with family, friends or join an already established group as an individual, we can collectively achieve our personal health, fitness and performance goals together.

Join our family – just click here, or feel free to contact us at 314-882-4225 for scheduling and pricing.